Secretary Naig Encourages Iowans to Apply for Choose Iowa Marketing and Promotion Grants

Funding is available to help farmers explore new ways to process, market, and sell their products

NORA SPRINGS, Iowa (October 18, 2022) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig announced today that the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is again offering Choose Iowa Marketing and Promotion grants for 2023. The program matches up to $25,000 per project to help farmers, businesses, and non-profits increase or diversify their agricultural product offerings. Today’s announcement was made during a visit to 2022 Choose Iowa grant awardee Skyview Farms of Nora Springs.

“Iowa farmers have a longstanding tradition of producing high-quality food and Choose Iowa is all about connecting consumers to the great products that Iowans are growing, raising, processing, and marketing every day,” said Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig. “Choose Iowa grants will provide resources and support for farmers, small businesses, and non-profits to make investments that will assist them with diversifying their product offerings, tapping into new markets, and shortening supply chains. Choose Iowa is a win-win for both Iowa producers and consumers.”

Applicants can use the Choose Iowa grants to try new processing, packaging and sales techniques that add value to the commodities that they produce. For example, a dairy farmer may invest in on-farm processing or packaging equipment to sell cheese to grocery stores and farmers markets. Grant funding can also be used for employee training and continuing education programs.

Last year, the grant program received 113 applications totaling over $2 million in requests. Thirteen awardees were selected including dairy farms, direct-to-consumer meat businesses, a food hub, a CSA, and a brewery, among others.

Individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations that are currently living or operating in Iowa may apply for the Choose Iowa Marketing and Promotion grants. Preference will be given to small to medium size businesses. Details about the grant program, including financial matching requirements, application, and eligibility, are available at

Applications should be submitted through the online portal and are due by 5 p.m./CT on December 15, 2022. Grant recipients will be announced in early 2023.

Questions about the Choose Iowa Marketing and Promotion grant can be directed to


About the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Led by Secretary Mike Naig, the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship serves the rural and urban residents that call Iowa home. Through its 14 diverse bureaus, the Department ensures animal health, food safety and consumer protection. It also promotes conservation efforts to preserve our land and enhance water quality for the next generation. Learn more at

Media Contact:
Don McDowell
Communications Director